The Power of Effective Planning and Scheduling


Planning involves the identification of a task or tasks that need to occur.

Scheduling involves assigning the future action needed to accomplish a given task to occur on a certain date and time.

Are planning and scheduling working effectively for you?

Are high reliability and meeting customer order volumes important to you?

Without an effective planning and maintenance scheduling process, you will never achieve either and the result will be diminished profits and a reducing client base.

Correct maintenance and scheduling will increase productivity, provide improved product quality, reduce costs and give global competitiveness.

Planning and scheduling ensure the right work gets done, at the right time, with the right tools, materials, and people.

Learn practical planning guidelines and a down-to-earth scheduling methodology.

Module 1: Overview Planning and Scheduling

Planning is all about What, How, and Why and scheduling is all about Who, When, and Timing.

No more poor quality and missed deadlines. Quite the opposite.

With an effective planning and scheduling process in place, you will experience and achieve high reliability with increasing product demand.

Module 2: Planning Guidelines

As discussed earlier, the purpose of maintenance planning is to identify the correct maintenance jobs and prepare them for scheduling. A work plan will be developed and will include everything a maintenance team will need and use to complete the task.

Module 3: Scheduling Guidelines

Maintenance scheduling refers to the timing of planned work, when the work should be done, and who should perform it. Scheduling cannot take place until the planning function has been completed.

The goal of scheduling is to maximize the amount of work with the available resources.

Module 4: Purpose of Planning

Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.

The objective of planning is to get the job done right the first time in the shortest possible downtime and to get the equipment back working properly to produce a quality product and keep the equipment working as long as possible before the next repair.

Module 5: Planning Methodology

Planning work requires identifying all needed resources and job plans to provide a framework of proper execution of work to ensure all resources are used more efficiently.

Module 6: Practical Planning

Planning is all about working ahead, about bringing the future to the present.

All jobs need planning, even the repetitive ones where the maintenance team and technicians know the tools and job requirements.

One of the objectives of planning is to minimize the number of Repetitive jobs. The effectiveness of any planning effort is based on economics and the planner’s effort needs to be recovered through increased efficiencies.

Module 7: Scheduling Methodology

The objective of scheduling is the assignment of many planned jobs into a defined period of time in order to optimize the use of the resources within their constraints.

A true schedule is more than just a “to-do list and jobs cannot be scheduled until they are first planned.

Module 8: Schedule Implementation

Before just starting with any new initiative, the important issue is how to implement that initiative. A planning and scheduling course is no exception.

We cannot simply take off and start doing it tomorrow, it needs to be implemented correctly and speedily.

Course  Duration

This is a self-paced learning course you will have 45 days to complete the course series from the date of receiving your login link.

Course Delivery

Once payment has been made, you will be registered on the system and a link will be released for you to access the course.

Course Outcome

These Courses will provide us with a solid basic understanding of what Planning and Scheduling are all about and will establish for us a foundation on which we can move forward through the remaining courses of this training series.

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