International Norms
Performance Targets
How important is it to have targets to measure our performance?
Do you have set targets for achievement in your organization?
The lack of targets would indicate an organization that is simply just keeping things going and not striving for progress or success. We all need targets and measurement criteria to ensure that our performance is being effective.
Let’s have a look at some measuring factors, often referred to as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that should be implemented in all organizations. There are many recognized KPI’s in the industry but the one we should primarily be focusing on is the volume of work orders processed.
International industry sets us a target of work orders processed at 80% Proactive and 20% Reactive. Today’s industry has basically got the stats right but unfortunately, a lot of plants have it the wrong way round. So often it reads Reactive 80% and Proactive 20%.
There is the challenge. We need to swing our organization’s maintenance activities to 80% for Proactive and consequently, the Reactive will automatically fall to 20%. Achieving this is not an overnight process. It is a process of change. This process is known as Continual Maintenance Improvement.
Maintenance Management System
Maybe we are starting at something less than the golden target of 80% Proactive and if that is the case, then we need to start the swing towards achieving that 80% target. If we do not have a Maintenance Management System onboard, this should become a critical first priority, as this system becomes the catalyst for controlling and measuring our progress.
The system needs to be or have been implemented and structured correctly, with the correct training and disciplines in place, then we can start to gradually increase the focus on planned maintenance activities and as we do so, the breakdowns will slowly start to decrease.
As stated before this is not an overnight process. Just because you have a good system does not mean it will automatically be successful. Any good system needs a good, passionate, dedicated driver. We are talking about YOU.
What is your objective moving forward? Do you want to simply sit still with a poor overall percentage of proactive work and watch as other industries stride forward and increase their market share, while yours is shrinking?
To be part of tomorrow’s industrial world, we need to be up to speed with the achievement of international norms and targets. In many cases, we need to start to set the trend for our industrial sector, so that we can become a leader in that global marketplace of today and tomorrow.
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